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The Infiltrator
The Infiltrator continues TV and film's ongoing obsession with the 'War on Drugs.' A portrayal of Robert Mazur's amazing, true-life,...
Cafe Society
Cafe Society is a love letter from Woody Allen to old Hollywood. We've been treated this year with the Coen Brother's Hail! Caesar which...
Sausage Party
Sausage Party could be Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg's best creation. It could even be the film of the year. Hype has seemingly been a...
David Brent: Life On The Road
Thirteen years after The Office bowed out with its masterful Christmas special double-header it still stands as possibly the finest...
The Purge: Election Year
The Purge: Election Year is another triumph for what could be a really long-running series. Let's ignore the obvious contrivances and...
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad. Touted as the film of the Summer before being slammed as the worst superhero film ever by mainstream reviewers. The truth?...
Finding Dory
A Pixar sequel (Toy Story exempt) is often cause for concern. As much as they've never strayed too far from quality their follow-on films...
Jason Bourne
Matt Damon returns in the, imaginatively titled, Jason Bourne. Jeremy Renner-starring Legacy firmly behind them (no silly blue and green...
The Legend Of Tarzan
The Legend Of Tarzan, much like The Jungle Book before it, is another modernisation of a literary classic made more famous by Disney and...
So, shock horror! Of course Ghostbusters works with a female cast. The fact that this was the cause of so much furore is, frankly,...
Now You See Me 2
Unnecessary but welcome sequel time and Now You See Me 2 is finally out in cinemas after what feels like a long wait. This sequel follows...
The Albums Of 2016 (So Far)
Another great six months for music so I thought I'd follow in the footsteps of a few publications and post a 'best of the year so far' so...
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